Our Christmas Bucket List

I was catching a few minutes of a Hallmark movie the other night and it was about a woman who had a holiday bucket list.  Naturally, I thought, "what a fun idea!" and Olivia and I started chatting about our own Christmas Bucket List for this year.

Christmas Bucket List

Kids Decorate Their Own Tree

I've always wanted to have the kids have their own tree.  There's always so many cute ornaments for kids (Disney!) and as adorable as they are, I like to keep our tree streamlined and simple.  I never got around to getting them their own tree because it felt like extra work.  But with my mom in town over the Thanksgiving holiday (these photos were taken during her visit), she made it happen.  I'm so happy with the way it turned out that we'll be making it a holiday tradition.  The girls can pick out their theme and be creative with how they want to decorate- next year.  I'm sure if I left it up to them we would have poop emoji ornaments scattered around the tree and I'm not feeling it.

Build a Gingerbread House

We've never built a gingerbread house and now that the girls are older I want to make this a yearly tradition too.  As messy it is, I know it's something we'll enjoy doing together.  

Lights Festivals

I can't think of anything more fun, as both a kid and an adult, during the holidays than going to see Christmas-decorated homes.  Back in New York we would make hot chocolate, get in the car and go see the elaborately decorated homes.  I'd love to continue this tradition and luckily for us, Southwest Florida has no shortage of Christmas Festivals.  We're going to check out this one.

Visit a Children's Hospital

Ever since I was a candy-striper back in high school I've wanted to volunteer at a children's hospital during the holidays.  I think this experience could really put things into perspective for the girls and teach them (hopefully) at a young age, to be humble and giving. It'd be nice to see them focus on getting gifts for other kids besides worrying about what they will be receiving.

Experience The Nativity Scene

There's something about experiencing the nativity scene that makes me nostalgic and brings me back to the true meaning of Christmas.  Each year we explain to the girls why we celebrate Christmas and try to remind them the true reason why we celebrate.  We want them to know that behind all the presents and wishlists, shopping and decorations, the reason for Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  I think experiencing a live nativity scene would be pretty amazing and I'm excited to share that experience with my girls.  We're hoping to visit this one.

What's on your holiday bucket list this year?

Christmas Bucket List
Christmas Bucket List
Christmas Bucket List
Christmas Bucket List
Christmas Bucket List