Your 2018 Theme Word

I hear theme words are all the buzz around social media lately. I love it. It's a simple way to streamline a goal so you can focus on achieving it.
After seeing other people's theme words, it didn't take too much thought for me to come up with my word for 2018. That word is:
Yes, I need to be more consistent. I will be more consistent. I honestly struggle with this in all areas of my life; my finances are all over the place, I'm a binge eater and work out aggressively for weeks at a time and quit quickly after I see any results. Even when it comes to this blog, I haven't been consistent. To be honest, my theme word felt like it fell on my head like a brick. So, without over-thinking and over-analyzing, I'm making consistency my official theme word for 2018.
Any time I've been consistent, I've immediately seen results. I know this and yet, I shy away from truly being committed in many areas of my life. But the first step is self-awareness, right?
What's your theme word for 2018?
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